episode fourteen: live textiles

welcome to the fourteenth episode of from field to skin! we’re continuing the second forage collection with live textiles as we focus this year on alberta’s fibreshed. i'm hoping to dig a little deeper into different fibresheds by profiling multiple players within them and use their fibres for an accompanying design collection. i had the privilege of visiting alberta in march and july of this year and interviewed alberta yarn project, custom woolen mills, megan samms of live textiles, and tin forest farm all on location. our second episode was filmed on location in july 2019 on treaty eight territory.

megan is one of the most inspiring and intimidating af humans i have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. she has a varied practice and full life that still manages to go deep into the knowledge and skills required for everything she does. megan also works regularly with custom woolen mills, helping them create and produce their field & forage line, cwm natural dye club, and naturally dyed mule spinner yarn. megan is an expert weaver making beautiful useable cloth, as well as a knowledgeable natural dyer. megan’s home territory is ktaqmkuk in mi'kma'ki, and she’s been living out west for the past several years. i hope you enjoy our conversation at the fire tower.

some additional resources that megan shared with me to share with you are:

you can purchase forage: volume 2 on ravelry here.

following this year’s forage collection, interviews will be going on hiatus until the new year and after i have secured funding (stayed tuned next month for news about how you can be a part of that!). if you would like to support future episodes, including ensuring the continuation of in-person interviews, please visit our support page!

mentioned in this episode: briggs & little; custom woolen mills; macausland’s

ash albergnatural dye