from field to skin is the online space for chronicling ash alberg's adventures in the canadian fibreshed.
“A Fibershed is a geographical landscape that defines and gives boundaries to a natural textile resource base. Awareness of this bioregional designation engenders appreciation, connectivity, and sensitivity for the life-giving resources within our homelands.” - fibershed.com
ash will highlight canadian fibre farmers, mills, and other direct-source producers through interviews, a growing google map, and patterns using fibreshed yarns. if you are a fibreshed player and would like to be involved, please contact ash at ash.sunflowerknit@gmail.com
about ash
ash alberg is a queer femme and fibre witch who seeks to create beautiful and practical designs using sustainable methods. equally importantly, they seek to nurture the skills, knowledge, and creativity of fellow fibre witches to achieve their goals.
ash holding an armful of yarns from both the canadian and icelandic fibresheds.