episode ten: hennah verhoeven

welcome to the tenth episode of from field to skin! this episode was filmed back in december 2018 in k'jipuktuk (halifax) at my friend hennah’s house. i met hennah thanks to the magic of instagram (sometimes it’s a useful space!), and the fact that we had humans in common already was probably a good sign that i’d easily adore them once we met in real life. hennah is just finishing off a degree at nscad and sells beautiful things in their etsy shop and takes private commissions as well. in our interview, we chatted about natural dyeing, capitalism, running a maker biz when you and your friends can’t necessarily afford your own products, collaborations, education in the academy and out in community, the use of thrifted materials as part of a fibreshed practice, and more.

hennah’s textile practice is one of the most inspiring ones i’ve come across, which probably has a good amount to do with their various focuses of natural dyeing, messing with the idea of “androgynous” as automatically meaning “not femme”, and wanting to learn all the textile skills (hennah’s a vegetarian who also knows how to skin an animal, so basically they’re magic).

mentioned in this episode: radstorm; simplifi fabric